Smilage Dental Center believes in creating a relationship with each patient that goes beyond the office doors. We've dedicated this section of our site to deliver important office news and to highlight important dental news to share with you and your family.
Smilage Dental Center
Notice of Temporary Closure
Dear Patients,
Our top priority is the health and well-being of our patients, families, staff, and community. In accordance with new recommendations issued by Governor Baker, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the White House, and the Massachusetts Dental Society, we have made the difficult decision to close our practice until May 26, 2020. We believe that this closure will allow us to more effectively adhere to Governor Baker’s recommendations and the CDC’s guidance to maintain social distancing.
As health care professionals, we believe we have a role to play in “flattening the curve” in order to follow sound, scientific public health advice to help limit infections and slow the spread of the virus. Our office will be closely reviewing our appointment schedule. If you have an appointment scheduled with us during this time, we will be in touch to help reschedule your appointment. If you are having a dental emergency, please call our office and leave a message and someone will be in contact with you as soon as possible.
We did not make this decision lightly. A great deal of care, research, and planning guided our decision. We believe that by taking these extraordinary precautions, we can make a difference in helping to preserve the limited supply of personal protective equipment critical for emergency dental care and frontline health care personnel responding to the pandemic. We will continue to evaluate the situation as it evolves and determine when it is appropriate for us to return to our normal business hours.
Again, please understand that we are making this decision with the health and well-being of our patients, our families, our dental team, and the community in mind.
Please stay safe and healthy.
Smilage Dental Center